Sunday, 13 January 2013

When Sorting Cupboards Creates Useful Spaces

After collecting all the shoes in the house from my kids, refer to blog post Drowning in a Sea of Shoes, I had to think of a solution on where and how I would store them.

 I had previously lined them up in their wardrobes so they would be easily accessible. But as the amount of shoes grew and the house was filled with more feet, I had started to store them in containers. This however was not a great solution as soon the container would become a huge box. Then no one could ever find a shoe to wear or a matching pair.  This was no good for when we were in a hurry and as always kids leave it to the last minute to search for their shoes.

First I thought about getting an old book case or some shelving that the shoes would fit neatly on at the back door. It took me a few weeks before I came up with a solution which meant I didn't have to spend any money and I wouldn't have an eye-saw sitting at the back door.

Heading to the laundry, cogs ticking over in my head, the solution was staring me right in the face. If I just tidied up the shelves in the laundry and re-organised the linen I should be able to make enough room to fit the shoes in the bottom shelves. This would be an easy access area for all the kids and no unsuspecting visitor would see them.

So off I went to work starting from the top shelves and working my way down. The top shelf I cleared for things I used the least, air beds, sleeping bags and on the opposite side I kept Christmas items, puzzles and other bits n pieces. 

The second shelf down, is now used for the big blankets (that are only used when extras stay over or for making cubby houses), cot sheets and pillow cases. I didn't realise I had so many pillow cases. Maybe I can make some of these PJ Pillow Bags over at No Excuses! blog, with the ones never used. The opposite side being used for baby blankets & cloth nappies.

The third shelf which is the most convenient and easy to get to I have used for Bed sheets, and on the opposite side is the bath towels. This means I am able to ask the kids to grab their towel or bed sheet when it comes time for their use. More help from the kids means less work for me.

So now I have the bottom shelf and the floor to use for all the shoes. On the left side I placed all the leather and dress shoes, below them all the thongs and rubber boots/shoes. On the opposite side I have placed all the sneakers, sport and play shoes.

Also to assist anyone who may come to help me with my washing, (all offers accepted), I have placed labels on the shelf. This will also help the kids to know where certain items need to be put away and found.

The most important thing and the reason behind doing all of this is I now have a shoe box that closes and it no longer over flows with unused shoes. The only shoes that are in there are the ones being worn that day. 

No More, "I Can't find my shoes!"

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