Saturday, 27 October 2012

Catching my Breath and a Little Sun on the Side

I Can't Wait! I am so Excited! 

I am finally going on a much needed holiday, break, time-out, get-away, vacation, whatever you want to call it.

I am going!

Living in an area which is known as the rain belt often means we don't often see as much sun as we'd like (as you can imagine when one lives in VIC). The more rain we have means a sky covered in clouds. This often becomes quite depressing and disheartening, especially when you want to get outside to do things but are put off by the big dark clouds looming overhead.

It has been a few years since I have had a decent holiday all on my own. Meaning time away from the kids. Some quality time for me, to do whatever I wanted without the constant tugging on my clothes by little ones. I long for no sorting out arguments, thinking about what to cook for dinner or preparing school lunches. Oh and don't forget loads of laundry and housework I do each week.

So biting the bullet I told my husband I need a holiday!

For him the idea of a holiday is taking time off work and staying home (not having to go to work). For me I need to get away! From the house, the kids, school runs, my every day schedule, I need a break!

After recently reading a post at No Excuses! Easy organising for large families called “Time Out! Time out! How often do mothers get to do this?” It made me feel more confident about going on a holiday. I knew I wasn't the only one who needed a holiday and thought I would see if she would like to come along. I was so delighted when she said she would consider it.

So now I am packing my bags for a destination in the sun. I am headed for the beautiful Gold Coast. I have not seen this place since I was about 10 years old. I have such lovely warm memories of this place and I can't wait to go back.

I think I can almost see my apartment in this photo

Did I mention I am leaving my husband behind? This holiday is all for me! He will be left to take care of our kids, all I have to worry about is leaving him a list and roster of everything that happens in a week. Hmm.... that could take a while. But it will be worth it!

Already I have achieved so much in preparing for this holiday, I found a great deal for a one bedroom apartment on e-bay, who would have thought, which I have booked as well as my flights. The most daunting part for me will be navigating the airport.  I have decided to hire a car as this will give me more flexibility to go to places when I want instead of having to wait for buses.

I was nervous when I first started planning for this trip as I have never done anything like this before but now I feel more excited, a bit like a child in a candy shop. I have been researching the area and what mischief I can get up to while I'm there. I am definitely taking in some theme park time! I am looking forward to sleeping lots, waking when I want, going to the beach every day since my apartment is only meters from the beach, and just relaxing as much as I can so I can come back refreshed ~ the three R’s (plus one more as No Excuses put it).

And to top things off, I am extra excited because my good friend at No Excuses is coming along for the ride!

We are going to have a BLAST!
Which of course means lots of relaxing!

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